I teach on both the Junior Saturday Club, and the Digital Photography for Beginners at Banbury Campus.
I have been teaching adults how to use digital cameras at Activate Learning for the last four years, and younger students for many more years prior to that.
There is nothing more satisfying than watching a learner take control of their camera in five lessons, holding it confidently and feeling that they are now in charge!
Photography started for me as a fascinating activity since my dad had a darkroom when I was a child.
Anything creative! Drawing, sketching, knitting, gardening, the history of art and Britain, and travelling around the UK.
It’s good fun. No-one is on their own by the end of the sessions, and many go on to do another course in photography.
For more of Wig’s work, please visit https://www.axisweb.org/p/wigsayell/