If you are struggling to find work, would like to enhance your CV, considering a change in career or simply want to improve your skills, we can help. Joining one of our courses will help you expand your knowledge and explore your potential, you can feel inspired and empowered to get back into work or take the next step.
Employability Skills
We have a variety of programmes and projects that can help you to find work, gain new skills or retrain. Enrolling on a project will give you direct access to your own coach who will support you on your personal journey. Projects are fully funded through DWP, so you can access support and courses for free.
Upskilling and Retraining
Across our regions and beyond Activate Learning offers free training to individual adults and organisations. We aim to meet your needs by delivering high-quality training, enabling people to develop their careers.
We access a number of funds including the ‘Adult Education Budget’ which means a lot of our delivery is free of charge to adult learners.
Coming back to studying after a gap has been a confidence boost. It's been a brilliant experience just knowing that I can alter where my career path is going.”Maya, Access to HE: Psychology
There's plenty to discover at your local Activate Learning College and beyond in your community