
Dawn Rigby

Dawn Rigby is one of the tutors at Guildford College, and currently teaches our Childcare and Education Level 3 Technical Diploma. She has been working with us for three and a half years and has been an integral part of our Early Years, Teaching and Education Pathway.

Dawn speaks passionately about how early years practitioners should focus on young children’s needs.

“They’re little people that have come in with their own thoughts, their own ideas and their own interests. It’s up to us to understand what that is and go with each child’s interests. That’s how they’re going to learn.”

Dawn also uses her teaching to encourages practitioners to develop their own professional judgement, and not be afraid to use it.

“I want them to recognise their own professional judgement and think ‘I know what’s best for these children, and that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to listen to them and value the children in front of me.’”

The Early Years Tutor has recently become a published author and has released her first book, ‘Making Play Work in Early Years Settings: Tales from the Sandpit’ which she plans to use in her teaching. Having already been picked up by other local early years teachers, it has influenced their teaching, and some of Dawn’s students have also bought a copy.

“I think it’s a bit less challenging for them if they have a book where they know the person who’s written it. I’ve tried to write the book using my own voice, as if I’m talking to you,” added Dawn.

Find out more about the Early Years programmes we offer at our Activate Learning colleges or contact us via 0800 612 6008.