Our courses combine practical and theoretical principles in science, management, ecology, and the planning of tree and woodland care.
Our team of tutors have many years of experience working in the industry, and Merrist Wood college has been delivering arboriculture courses for fifty years. You will experience practical work on our estate with access to specialist machinery and professional-level equipment. You will learn how to safely use a chainsaw, climb, prune and dismantle trees, use brushwood chippers and stump grinders, and more.
Our former students now practise throughout the UK and across the world, including Hawaii, New Zealand, the USA, Canada and Australia.
Job roles vary from undertaking inspections and surveys of individual and woodland trees, advising landowners on how to care for their trees, and teaching others about the benefits of carefully managing trees.
Arboriculture coursesComing back to studying after a gap has been a confidence boost. It's been a brilliant experience just knowing that I can alter where my career path is going.”Maya, Access to HE: Psychology
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